What are natural remedies for anxiety and depression

How can I help myself?

Living with anxiety can be very difficult and sometimes even devastating, but there are steps you can take that might help. This page has some suggestions for you to consider and what are natural remedies for anxiety and depression:

  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Try to manage your worries
  • Look after your physical health
  • Try breathing exercises
  • Keep a diary

Talk to someone you trust

Talking to someone you trust about what’s making you anxious could be a relief and a healing exercise to do. It may be that just having someone listen to you and show they care can help in itself. If you aren’t able to open up to someone close to you, try to put it on paper and watch and see the troubles fading away as you write them down.

If you like and you’re done with writing about your anxiety then you can burn the papers. It sounds like a ritual from way back then, but it really can help.

Getting it off your chest seems to help relieve some of the pressure.

Try to manage your worries

It can be really hard to stop worrying when you have anxiety or panic attacks. Especially when you’re in the middle of one. You might have worries you can’t control. But there’re also things you can do, or better said things you should surrender too.

Instead of running behind every thought that comes into your mind, you can try to comfort the feeling of anxiety. Like you would do with a little child that is worried. Grab with your conscious the area of your belly were most emotions are and comfort the feelings with happy images and words.

You will see that a lot of the time you get more and more thoughts. Let those thoughts fly by and only comfort your feelings. You will begin to notice that that the worries and thoughts starting to fade to the background and you might get an emotional release, which is great. Some pressure of the pot!

This can be helpful to try different ways of addressing these worries. For example, you could:

  • Set aside a specific time to focus on your worries – so you can reassure yourself you haven’t forgotten to think about them. Some people find it helps to set a timer.
  • Write down your worries and keep them in a particular place – for example, you could write them in a notebook, or on pieces of paper, you put in an envelope or jar.

Try to accept that this is how I feel at the moment, but it won’t last forever.

Look after your physical health

  • Try to get enough sleep. Sleep can give you the energy to cope with difficult feelings and experiences. You can energize your stressed brain and give it the well-deserved rest it needs. But also don’t sleep too much either. Your body will get used to the sleep and eventually, it will do you more harm than good.
  • Think about your diet. Eating regularly and keeping your blood sugar stable can make a difference in your mood and energy levels. also, don’t use too many stimulants like coffee. Furthermore, you can start slow juicing every morning, to get the right vitamins and minerals into your body.
  • Try to do some physical activity. Exercise can be really helpful for your mental wellbeing. Especially walking in nature is a great way to reduce anxiety and depression.

I find going for a walk great, even if I can’t go far. I walk around the garden and eat my lunch outside. Find a way that works for you. Everything is possible!

Try breathing exercises

Breathing exercises can help you cope and feel more in control. You can find some suggestions on our page on relaxation.

Breathe… always remember to breathe OUT. Take time to exhale. It’s the simplest thing, but is forgotten in panic attacks.


Keep a diary

It might help to make a note of what happens when you get anxious or have a panic attack. This could help you spot patterns in what triggers these experiences for you, or notice early signs that they are beginning to happen.

You could also make a note of what’s going well. Living with anxiety can mean you think a lot about things that worry you or are hard to do. It’s important to be kind to yourself and notice the good things too. Especially the good things. You then become into a state of gratitude and appreciation. Anxiety and depression can’t live when you’re in a state of gratitude and appreciation.

I hope this was helpful for you and if it is, please give it a share

If you want to have an easier way to cope with your anxiety, read the review about the best natural anxiety supplements.

With love,


Fear of crowds social anxiety

Does it seem nice to be not nervous about a fun party for your friends? Or maybe you do not have any friends at all, but would you like them again. Are you always afraid that people want to condemn you who you are? You are probably also ready with your own shame and fear, which brings this extreme embarrassment with you?

I think so. That is why I have written this free course on social anxiety and embarrassment. When you are ready, we dive into the course. We start with a small introduction. Ready!? Go! …

What is a social anxiety disorder?

Very briefly it comes down to being afraid of what people think of you and that they condemn that. This takes so much stress that you can really go under it.

Often these people have little self-value and self-love. And in every situation where they come with this anxiety disorder or social phobia, this is only confirmed once again and the situation can get worse. At that moment you are in a vicious circle.

As a child, I suffered from selective mutism. What went on until about my 20th. I was someone who dealt well with classmates but was very quiet, shy and anxious with family and especially my friends. I did not do anything to say a half a year to a yes or no to my friends and when I said something. Then they said: Hey, Ed is talking !?

It’s too painful to go through life and that’s why I’ve written this free course of social anxiety and embarrassment so that you can start social life with full confidence!

Let’s go to tip 1 right away!

tips for social anxiety and shyness

Tip 1

Try to share it with people. Or rather with one person! Although this is hard for many people with social anxiety, it can give a tremendous liberation to talk about this. Choose someone from whom you are really sure that you can go there with your questions.

Sometimes it is so that there are no people in your environment at all, where it can put your problem. How annoying that is, of course, I have a solution: Write down problems in a notebook or diary. It is important that your head does not overflow with all the tensions and thoughts you have about your social anxiety and shyness. The regular departure from these thoughts and tensions can thus give some freedom.

What do you write down in your diary or script?

  1. The situations you experience
  2. The thoughts you want to lose concerning the situation
  3. Write a situation that is optimal and satisfying for you, it concerns a social situation

You can do these 3 points, but if you have enough of one or two, then we are perfectly busy. Follow your sense of what is best for you.


At point 3, I also want you to visualize the new situation as you want it. What do you feel? Do you feel resistance? Because this is not real? Or do you feel positive emotions and do they give you liberation from social anxiety?

If you feel the resistance. Keep repeating it until it really gets in your head. In this way, you train your behavior to enter into these social situations in a confident way. The brain does not know the difference we makeup or visualize, or what is real. The same emotions are involved here. Make use of this! In the course dealing with depression, I have written more about this.

Tip: Only read the negative situations, as inspiration to make a positive situation when visualizing. OK? Agreed! …

Tips for Treating Social Disorder

Tip 2

What I had at one point was that I was so anxious because of my insecurity for rejection and condemnation, that I could no longer concentrate on people I had contact with. . Often when they said something to me, I did not understand it, did not understand it, or misinterpretation was meant.

This only causes more uncertainty towards you as a person, which also increases the uncertainty and the fears of rejection.

Then I got the next tip for social anxiety. As soon as I was talking to someone, I only listened to his or her words. When thoughts passed or emotions, I left them for what they are and concentrated only on the words.

In this way, the person really felt that I was listening to him or her. That feeling was completely reinforced because I had some answers ready now. I listened! There was actually a conversation that I normally did not have with people. This gave such a boost to my confidence that from then on I had an extra tool in my pocket that I could use. This was the first step in the right direction to overcome my social anxiety and shyness and my depression. But now I like to share this tool with you.

Practice simple social skills

Tip 3

We often feel that no one really likes us. Whether this is true or not, does not really matter. What we do know is that we do not feel loved or rejected. The fear of rejection is one of the biggest pains we can experience. So you also do not feel less, because you have a social anxiety disorder. You fight a great battle against the daily suffering you experience and you can be proud of that!

How can we manage to get positive feedback from people and then practice our social skills? Now it is not the intention that everyone should like us. If such a thing already exists, but it is important to get positive feedback from a number of people, so that there is a bit of bonding and appreciation. In this way a pleasant and sustainable conversation can take place.

Practicing these 4 social skills:

  • Compliments Giving
  • Short proposals
  • Remembering names
  • Make short eye contact and laugh

Now for many, these 4 points will produce enough fresh sweat. And yet it does not have to be that way. Try to include these 4 points in your visualizations. You will vividly imagine how you would do that and feel what it does to you. At that moment you are making new connections in your brain. These connections, do the old negative connections override so that you immediately in a pleasant way in social situations.

Overcoming social anxiety and shyness with neuroscience

Neurology is the science of the brain. Fortunately for you there is already a lot of research done, which we can benefit from. But what can we get from neuroscience, which is applicable to social anxiety and shyness?

They called the technique: Revaluation. What is really nothing else than changing the original story, to a new story. But then one that you feel good about.

In the revaluation of the situation, it is mainly about the beliefs you have, concerning the person’s, you (subject) and the situation.

Example: You get ready to go to a party of friends. Somewhere you feel like it, but not at the same time. The sweat breaks you out and your heart pounds from the left to the right room. You know about yourself what a task it is and you feel that it often gets worse. Because, Chantal always asks me why I am so quiet ”. That gives you the feeling that you are inadequate. In your own words it feels more like: Chantal will think I can not do anything. Because we criticize ourselves, we are good at that.

When we look at the example, we actually see two convictions.

  • I am inadequate.
  • Chantal will think that I can not do anything.


Let’s take a social situation. It can be one from your notebook or diary. Write down all the beliefs that are true to you now. It does not matter how negative they are, because we are going to slowly change those beliefs.

Now we are going to change them. I am inadequate, we change to: I am talented
Chantal will think I can not do anything, we change in: Chantal is interested in me because she thinks I am a nice girl or man.

You can write the positive beliefs 21 times in the morning and in the evening.

You can do this every time you come into a similar situation. Say the new belief to yourself.

It can be and often it is true that there are other convictions, among the first convictions. These can also be dealt with in the same way. Learn the methods of social anxiety by heart, so that you can also address those beliefs.

In the beginning, it can also feel as if you are lying to yourself. It is also logical that you feel that way because you have been telling yourself the opposite to yourself throughout your life. It takes about two months before you have learned a new habit. But a confirming thought, even if you have not yet mastered it, can already give a positive feeling if you repeat it a few times.

An important point is: concentrate on the positive feeling that the new beliefs give. So not only on the words themselves.

Part 2 course free course social anxiety and embarrassment

The epidemic of ‘I’m not good enough’

Some experts in the field of psychology and similar professionals, identify an epidemic. Almost everyone suffers from this ” disease ”. This epidemic is called: I am not good enough.

How would it feel for you when you enter a busy room and that with all your faults, you would feel that you are good enough? Because that is a conviction that we often already get in education. Often not so intended, but we do get this conviction.

Almost everyone has received this conviction. Murders are committed and wars are waged. Just think about the rulers of countries. They are often belittled by their parents and therefore have the conviction that they are not good enough. To feel that they are good enough, they follow the path of war, to experience that they are good enough.

Fortunately, most people do not do this in such a gruesome way, but the conflict and quarrel between woman and man, families, friends, colleagues and what not. Is often because they feel touched what the other person says. And usually, they feel so touched, because it touches an old piece that does not feel good enough. We argue it out as adults, but a bit of child pain is hit.

How do we resolve the belief: I am not good enough?

We do this by telling ourselves that we are good enough. Yes hello, nice and easy I hear you say? Well …, YES! .. But …, not really … If you have said the opposite to yourself for the rest of your life, it will take about two months before you have really reversed that belief. Now it is true that if we do the affirmations (confirmatory thoughts) that you immediately feel enlightenment. Let’s start with affirmations that apply to overcome social phobia. You can come up with more yourself so that it fits your needs. I would even recommend it!

  • I am good enough
  • I am smart enough
  • I am sociable enough
  • I am handsome enough
  • I am nice enough
  • I am interesting enough
  • I am enough
  • I am valuable enough
  • I am reliable enough
  • I am intelligent enough
  • I am wise enough
  • I am attractive enough
  • I am beautiful enough
  • I am irritating enough
  • I am sexy enough
  • I am thin enough
  • I am healthy enough
  • I am fit enough
  • I am talented enough
  • I am capable enough
  • I am peaceful enough
  • I am cool enough
  • I am confident enough
  • I am courageous enough
  • I am assertive enough
  • I am kind enough
  • I am nice enough
  • I am nice enough
  • I am good enough
  • I am fun enough
  • I am nice enough
  • I am reliable enough
  • I am authentic enough
  • I am elegant enough
  • I am persevering enough
  • I am good enough
  • I am interesting enough
  • I am fear free enough
  • I am respectful enough
  • I am decent enough
  • I am good enough.

Write this list at least once and if you succeed, learn it from your head. In addition, I have found a suitable video, which you would also like to listen to every morning and evening. Do you feel that liberation when it is said? Or maybe not the same, but it will!

Do not give in to fear in social situations
Phew !! Yes hello, I’m not here for that. This is scary for me, maybe forgotten? No, I have not forgotten, but we do that very quietly. If you have followed the tips carefully and you are busy with it for a month, then we can take this step.

Write down for yourself, or consider what a scary social situation is for you. One that now plays in your life. If that is, for example, a birthday, then undoubtedly, the people who are there will be the scariest.

It is important that we look up situations that are exciting, but not too exciting.

Think about an eatery, terrace, bar or something that makes you feel most comfortable. If you finally know that, you’re going to do two things.

You’re going to drink a cup of coffee or something like that when it’s the least busy. Usually in the morning. Do this 3x for the first week.
In the second week, go drink coffee, but then at a time when it is on average busy.
The third week you will drink 2 x coffee at the busiest time.
With each week you can make notes, according to the way in which the tips are, or what works for you.

Write down what thoughts come up and turn them into something positive and repeat those new thoughts and beliefs, so that you immediately go to week 2. Do not forget to be very proud of yourself, even if it does not feel right for you. Despite your fears, you have gone anyway. Give yourself those credits and be nice to yourself.

At week 2 and 3 you follow the same process.

Repeat this process until you have mastered it enough to go to that exciting social situation that I mentioned earlier. Do you have enough confidence? Go for it! You can do it …

This was the course Social Fear and Conquering Delay. I sincerely hope that this course has helped you in the right direction to overcome your social anxiety.

Thanks for participating!

Be healthy,


How to stop panic attacks at night before bed

how to stop panic attacks at night before bed

Tips prevent panic attacks

Do you ever have panic attacks at unexpected moments? Like before bed or are you sweating, hyperventilating and anxious thoughts and that it takes a total fear of yourself? Probably. Therefore, it is time that we do something about it so you don’t have panic attacks before bedtime anymore

Today we learn; what to do with panic attacks and helpful tips to prevent panic attacks and how to stop panic attacks at night before bed. You want to dive into the article with me? …

I do not think I have to give an introduction to what a panic attack is and what the symptoms are. You ended up on my blog because you probably already suffer from it. That’s why I think it’s better to go straight into the tips, especially if you have an acute panic attack or are going to have it in the future.

Tip 1

Breathing to overcome a panic attack

Does it occur to you that you are breathing superficially now, or just the moment before? This sends signals to the brain that it is in danger. This way more and more cortisol is produced and the fear increases. As anxiety increases, rapid and shallow breathing increases. So you’re in a vicious circle and you want to get rid of that!

Often you want to quickly breathe air because you are afraid of lack of air.

There is a very simple trick that you can apply immediately! EXHALE! You are so busy with air at that moment that you forget to breathe out. Therefore, if you do not exhale, how can you breathe? That makes fear come loose. It will not feel intuitive during your hyperventilation, because you want that oxygen so much. Tell yourself that you are safe and slowly exhale. This way you can stabilize an acute panic attack and shortness of breath during stress.

Tip 2

Deep abdominal breathing against stress and panic

This is a simple abdominal breathing exercise preventive against stress and panic attacks. This exercise is not only simple but also makes you relax quickly!

Close your eyes and place both hands on the lower abdominal muscles.
Breathe in gently but deeply through your nose and as you breathe deeply, so you have your stomach forward. Your upper body also increases slightly.
Breathe quietly through your nose and press your belly right now.

After this, you can inhale 15x and exhale 15x. It is the intention that your stomach does the work for your lungs when breathing in and out.
Feel the peace slowly until you become relaxed again.

Practice this preventative against stress complaints and panic attacks. To better understand this breathing exercise, I have looked up a video that accurately reflects this breathing method.

Tip 3

Close your eyes if you have a panic attack or hyperventilation. During such a situation, you will quickly breathe and your heart beats faster than normal. This creates many stimuli for the brain that in turn feeds you with many thoughts and emotions.

To neutralize this you can close your eyes and take a deep breath. This way you get rid of the stimuli that you normally derive you from your surroundings. In this way, you do not give your brain more stimuli than necessary. Together with the tips for deep breathing, you can slowly neutralize your panic attack.

Tip 4

Preventive meditation against panic attacks

This is perhaps the most important tip you can do for the preventive prevention of panic attacks and what will increase your self-confidence. Which one then? Meditate! Because we love simple and effective, I am going to give you a meditation that aims to get stress and tension out of your mind.

Sit on a chair or any other posture that you find comfortable. Remember that you must have a straight back and you should not lie in any case.
Breathe in 3x deep and exhale 3x deep. Go down less and less deeply and, with each inhalation and exhale, focus on the area just under your nose and slightly above your upper lips. Try to feel the air at that piece that I just described, when breathing in and out. Always try to feel what is happening with that piece. Is it cold or hot? Do you get tingling? Feel resistance somewhere. What do you feel there?

You will see that there are thoughts that will disturb you when meditating. Let these thoughts go and concentrate on the piece, under your nose, and above your upper lips.

If you are distracted by thoughts every time. Then return to that area each time. In this way, you train your attention to stay what you want.
After a lapse of time, you will get an ever-clear mind, because there are no new thoughts. That clear mind has certain qualities, such as:

  • Inner peace
  • Brightness
  • Silence
  • Pleasure

And actually many more qualities. By meditating you will develop all the positive qualities that come with a silent mind. It is in the thoughtlessness, where these qualities come up. Every moment becomes quieter and clearer and you will meet the silence. You can develop this silence and the more you practice, the more it becomes your own. In this clarity, your fears and panic have nothing to look for. Try to do this every morning and evening for at least 10 minutes.

Provide light movement preventive to overcome panic attacks

Tip 6

If you want to do something preventive against all mental blockages, or in this case prevent a panic attack. Then it always starts with movement. Movement causes endorphins and dopamines to be released, which eliminate emotional blockages.

In addition, a light movement for panic attacks is something that keeps your body healthy. That is something that is reflected in your overall health and therefore also your mental health. In this way, you create a basis, where anxiety attacks or panic no longer stand a chance.

What are the best sports for panic attacks?

Yoga – By consciously bringing attention to your body and breathing, your mind becomes quieter. Together with the movement you make, happiness hormones are produced, such as dopamine and endorphins. That is why this is an excellent tool against panic attacks.

(fast) walking in nature – On the site of the high university Stanford, you can read what walking does to people who suffer from depression or anxiety. Let that just fit into our street. When I was still very anxious myself, I always went for a walk in nature. Have given me peace and clarity. I always did this exercise while walking: When I walked in nature, I only observed nature. When thoughts or emotions came, I let them go by again. In this way, I could slowly experience the silence, which is so healing for our minds. It is a form of meditation that works well for anxiety attacks. Here is the link from Stanford’s university:


Jogging – Some people need a more spicy form of exercise. In this way, they can get rid of the stress better, so they have a better basis, so that panic attacks occur less quickly.

(Kick) Boxing – Speaking of spicy sports! If anger and aggression are an important part of your panic attacks, then this is a sport where you can lose a lot of this negative energy. Do you feel for yourself, or does it generate tension? Some people get tensions from these sports.

Cycling – I do not have to say too much about this. Preferably in nature or quiet environment.

Confirmatory thoughts

Tip 7

It is not surprising to mention that if you have a panic attack, your safety is completely gone. In many cases, you are afraid that you are dying and the negative thoughts are rapidly coming up. These thoughts again provide an extra negative stimulus and you are stuck in a negative circle.

Before you go to bed, after you get up, when you eat, when you have sex (kidding), when you shower, you can do this: Tell yourself these confirmatory thoughts:

I Feel safe, I am safe, my future is safe

Repeat these affirmative thoughts continuously, so that they become a good acquaintance to you. The more you repeat them, the more they become reality for you.

Can you imagine that if you do this for a month and you start to feel that this is true for you. Or almost true. That it has a gigantic effect on your sense of security and especially with regard to panic attacks. This is both preventive and that you get an acute panic attack.

These are the tips to prevent panic attacks and what to do in case of panic attacks. I hope, as always, that you have been of service again and if you have any questions, you can do so through a reaction.

Do you think this is a good article. Sharing is appreciated!

Be healthy,


How to get obsessive thoughts out of your head

how to get obsessive thoughts out of your head

Have you ever experienced that the panic is totally at its peak and can not go any further? That at the slightest situation, all kinds of anxious thoughts come up like newly planted mushrooms? Would you like to live free of fear again and want powerful tools and tips to overcome fear?

Well, you can! Welcome to my article on how to deal with anxious thoughts and how to get obsessive thoughts out of your head After this article, you have the right methods to overcome fear and panic that is demonizing your head.

Why do you actually have fear thoughts?

Often earlier in your life and especially for the first 6 years, there are situations that have given you an anxious feeling. It can be a severe trauma, but also something very small, that you are not even aware of. I have read in the book of Doctor Gabor Maté that he treated someone for anxious thoughts because his favorite toy bear was taken away when he was only two years old.

For that child, that cuddly toy was his everything and in particular, the cuddly toy showed his sense of safety. At the moment that hug was taken away, his safety also fell away and that feeling has always remained with him.

So you see. It does not necessarily have to be something big. There are all kinds of situations that we have experienced and that can lead to fear of complaints.

What is the biggest trigger to experience fear?

When do you get anxious thoughts?
The biggest trigger that brings up fear is a lack of safety. After all, why should you be afraid or panic if you feel safe? So it is mainly about; how are we going to bring safety back into your life so that fearful thoughts can go out. In this way, we learn to deal with anxious thoughts.

How do you bring security to your life?

First, we want to know which areas you experience insecurity. Write down the different areas where you experience insecurity. It could be that this is in social areas, or in certain places, or maybe you are afraid of something specific. For example, fear of spiders or needles. There are many areas where you can feel unsafe, but write them all up.

Exercise: Take 1 area from your list and feel and think about it. What emotions do you feel and what thoughts come to you? Can you feel more emotions and think thoughts that have a different charge than fear? There may, for example, be anger and grief. Also, write down those other emotions.

If all goes well, you now have a number of emotions and thoughts written down from one area. Take 1 thought or emotion out and enter it in your dairy or on a piece of paper.

Do you see a picture from the past, or perhaps an image that can still happen? And what exactly do you see? You will most likely get the anxious thoughts of an image in your imagination or an image in your memories.

Thinking about changing images

Now that you know what image you have on your piece of paper, we are going to change it now. Changing does take some time. You are therefore in training. On average, it takes about two months to change an image and your thoughts about anxiety, but the first positive feelings can come quickly.

Looking at that image? What is the most dominant trigger that causes that unsafe or anxious emotion? What causes that blind panic? Is it a person, animal, object or something else? How could you change that picture so that it is safe and pleasant for you? If it is a person, then turn that person into someone you like or love a lot. If something happens in that image that makes you anxious, change it so that it becomes pleasant. For example, giving a blow to someone, you can change into giving a hand to someone. So in this way, you will change all the negative aspects of this image until it is exactly as you want it to be.

In this way, you change your subconscious that houses these images and memories. The more you train this the more you convince your subconscious that this is the right image. Especially with the new emotion that is connected to the image at a given moment is a sign for the subconscious that it is different now.

You will now notice that the anxious thoughts are now less present and there are even some positive thoughts in return.

Confront and take action.

Now if you have trained this for a while and you have the idea that you have already changed a lot, we will go on to part 2 of the exercise. Called; Take action! But do not take action, if you’re just starting the exercise. You would probably start the confrontation with shivering anxiety and maybe not good results.

Try training and repeating the images and words so often in your head that it becomes natural for your subconscious. This causes other emotions and thought you have trained your brain not to be so anxious anymore. Your brain does not know the difference between fantasy (the image) and reality. So you can influence reality through your imagination.

So now that you have trained yourself, you can start the confrontation. You will see that it was not so scary, now that you have been trained and your brain is used to the positive images and emotions. Whatever challenge you want to take on, it will be easier.

Why take action?

We take action to give our brain the ultimate confirmation that we are now looking at the situation positively. You turn, as it were, a solid cap on the pot, which can not be opened anymore. You will also notice that if you succeed, your fears in other areas will also become less. You are gradually becoming more confident and you get the feeling that you can cope with the world. This technique dealing with anxiety thoughts is very powerful. So use it to your advantage.

What else can we do to deal with anxious thoughts?

  1. Writing of affirmative thoughts
  2. Playing sports
  3. Walking in nature
  4. Looking for places and activities that give peace and joy
  5. Meditating
  6. yoga
  7. writing down our thoughts
  8. Writing of affirmative thoughts
  9. I would like to give some more attention to this point. The more often thoughts emerge in you, the quicker the beliefs become. What we now know is that beliefs create your personal reality.
  10. Think about it. You have just bought that beautiful Ford station and the same as the new model because you still see so little. The moment you make your first ride, you suddenly see your new Ford drive driving everywhere. Shit! Are there suddenly more new Ford station cars on the road in the time I bought them? No, they were already there, but your focus has shifted now. At first, you were convinced: there are few new station models and then you do not see them either. The moment you buy the car, the conviction becomes: There are new Ford station models and if you can see them!

In the same way, thoughts, your beliefs, create your reality. Is it not convenient, to invent the thoughts yourself, so that we also have control, what appears in our reality. Looks like me!


Therefore it is good to think up thoughts that are the opposite of your fear thoughts. Make an inventory of your fear thoughts and write them down in a notebook. If you have written down these thoughts, you can extract 5 that you want to work on. Write down 2 or more new thoughts for every thought you want to change.


Anxious thought:

  • I’m afraid of spinning
  • New positive thoughts:

New confident thoughts

  • I like spiders
  • I like the hairs of the legs of spiders
  • I like the different eyes of spiders spectacularly
  • I think it’s skittish walking of spiders very
  • change your thoughts
  • See that I take out the different aspects of what most people find scary about spinning. You may also do this. What in a certain situation, object or person, makes you so anxious? Write down these different things and place new ones and images in front of them.

With the new phrases and thoughts that you have set against your old thoughts, you can start creating new images. See what makes those spiders so fun and why the paw is so beautiful and what makes these eyes so spectacular? This is quite difficult and you are probably already sitting in front of them and you are already having goosebumps on your arms! Well, good! That means it’s time that it’s going to change.

Remember that this takes time and that you can really make an intention to really engage this with yourself. Just start simple with a situation that does not have too much emotional charge. Let’s test how this feels for you. Do you notice that it works? How does it feel? And how quickly have you succeeded in this exercise?

If you feel that it is possible with one thought, then you get the conviction that it is possible with multiple thoughts and images. If you know that, then you can also make a clear intention towards the future. Your intent is your motivation to continue if it becomes difficult.

Keep repeating it and see how you changed. These were the tips dealing with anxious thoughts and how to get obsessive thoughts out of your head. I hope to be at your service again and if you have a question that can be done at the bottom of the comments.

You can share it if it is of value to you!

Be healthy,
